Terms & Conditions

Website Terms of Use

The use by the User of the Website implies the express and unreserved acceptance of these Terms and Conditions (henceforth, Conditions), and they will govern between the parties. If you do not agree with these conditions, we recommend that you do not use the Website.

Object and Scope of the Website

These Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the Website by Users. These conditions may be modified in all their extremes by the COMPANY. Changes to the conditions will be published and/or communicated to Users through the available means. The modified conditions will apply from their entry into force.

Without prejudice to the above, the use and/or contracting of certain products/content may be subject to particular conditions, these will be duly communicated to Users. The particular conditions will prevail over the General Conditions.

Reference will be made as User to the one who browses the Website.

Access to the Website is free and its content is free. However, the use of the Website implies the acceptance and assumption by the User of the Conditions regulated here.

Users must be over 18 years of age and have sufficient capacity to acquire the commitments and obligations that arise from their acts within the Website. The contents of the website are not directed at minors.

The COMPANY, as responsible for the Website, has the power to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt the use of the Website by third parties, without the need to notify in advance and without any compensation being derived from this.

Rules of use of the Website

Users may use the Website, as long as they respect the present Conditions and current law.

Under no circumstances will access and/or use of the Website be permitted for illegal or unauthorized purposes. In particular, for advertising and non-limiting purposes, any action is prohibited that:

involves the use of the Website in an illegal manner and that is directed against public order, good faith and morality.

can or intends to disseminate any information, image, defamatory, offensive, racist, xenophobic, etc. material.

with the purpose of supplanting the identity of third parties and/or leading to confusion about the identity of the User.

transmit, install, propagate, etc., any virus, malware, harmful files, etc., try or manage to overcome the security measures of the Website, as well as those activities (hacking, forgery, etc.) that try to access to parts of the Website without access to unauthorized Users, servers and/or connected network systems.

may damage or interrupt the operation of the Website, including those activities that saturate the Website infrastructure.

​The COMPANY reserves the right to take legal action, judicial or otherwise, for all those who do not comply with the rules of use of the Website.

Intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website

The COMPANY owns and/or has the corresponding licenses of use on the rights to use and exploit the intellectual and industrial property of the Website, including all contents (images, videos, illustrations, logos, brands, texts, etc.) included in the same. The COMPANY reserves all intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the Website.

In no case can the access and use of the Website be understood as a transmission, license, waiver, transfer (total or partial) of the COMPANY rights to the User and/or third party. The rights of Users and/or third parties are restricted to the use of the content of the Website during their navigation.

Neither Users nor third parties may use the brands, logos, trade names or other distinctive signs found on the Website, except for those with the prior written consent of the owner.

Likewise, the modification, copying, reproduction, public communication, transformation and/or distribution of all or part of the content included on the Website is prohibited, regardless of its purpose.

This prohibition will only be excepted in the event that the prior, express and written authorization of the rights holder is obtained.

In the same way, the COMPANY also prohibits the modification and/or manipulation of any of the Website Content.

The contents of the Website may not be extracted by third parties, either manually or through any other technique.

In the event that Users and/or third parties provide information on the Website, they will be responsible for the information. Otherwise, they will respond to them, keeping COMPANY innocent.

In the event that Users and/or third parties become aware of the existence of any CONTENT that is contrary to the law or supposes an infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, they must immediately notify the COMPANY.

Website links

On the Website, links to different website pages can be displayed through different means (links, banners, buttons, etc.), the COMPANY informs its Users that these are managed by third parties, which escape the control of the COMPANY. Therefore, the COMPANY will not assume any responsibility for issues related to the website pages of the links.

The inclusion of links on the Website does not imply the relationship, collaboration or any kind of link between the COMPANY and the owner/responsible of the website page.

Therefore, in the event that Users become aware that the content and/or activities of these third-party website pages are contrary to the law, public order or morals, they must immediately notify the COMPANY.

Guarantees and Responsibilities on the Website

The COMPANY works so that the contents of the Website are always reliable and truthful, but it cannot guarantee that this is always fulfilled, even when all the necessary measures are being adopted that are within its possibilities to guarantee the correct operation and content of the Website.​

Therefore, the COMPANY is not responsible for:

the continuous availability of the Website, of 100% of its contents, services, etc.

the absence of errors on the Website.

the absence of viruses or other harmful systems.

the vulnerabilities of the Website.

In the event that, as a Website User, you become aware that the content is against current law or service failures, the existence of viruses, you must notify it immediately so that the Company can adopt measures to solve it.

Processing of Personal Data on the Website (Data Protection)

The COMPANY informs that the personal data protection policy is regulated within the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy of this Website and that this forms part of these Terms and Conditions.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Both the use of the Website and the contracts derived from it are governed by Spanish law.

Disputes that arise or are related to the use of the Website or the contracts that arise from it will be submitted to the Barcelona city courts.

Website Terms of Use

The use by the User of the Website implies the express and unreserved acceptance of these Terms and Conditions (henceforth, Conditions), and they will govern between the parties. If you do not agree with these conditions, we recommend that you do not use the Website.

Object and Scope of the Website

These Terms and Conditions regulate the use of the Website by Users. These conditions may be modified in all their extremes by the COMPANY. Changes to the conditions will be published and/or communicated to Users through the available means. The modified conditions will apply from their entry into force.

Without prejudice to the above, the use and/or contracting of certain products/content may be subject to particular conditions, these will be duly communicated to Users. The particular conditions will prevail over the General Conditions.

Reference will be made as User to the one who browses the Website.

Access to the Website is free and its content is free. However, the use of the Website implies the acceptance and assumption by the User of the Conditions regulated here.

Users must be over 18 years of age and have sufficient capacity to acquire the commitments and obligations that arise from their acts within the Website. The contents of the website are not directed at minors.

The COMPANY, as responsible for the Website, has the power to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt the use of the Website by third parties, without the need to notify in advance and without any compensation being derived from this.

Rules of use of the Website

Users may use the Website, as long as they respect the present Conditions and current law.

Under no circumstances will access and/or use of the Website be permitted for illegal or unauthorized purposes. In particular, for advertising and non-limiting purposes, any action is prohibited that:

involves the use of the Website in an illegal manner and that is directed against public order, good faith and morality.

can or intends to disseminate any information, image, defamatory, offensive, racist, xenophobic, etc. material.

with the purpose of supplanting the identity of third parties and/or leading to confusion about the identity of the User.

transmit, install, propagate, etc., any virus, malware, harmful files, etc., try or manage to overcome the security measures of the Website, as well as those activities (hacking, forgery, etc.) that try to access to parts of the Website without access to unauthorized Users, servers and/or connected network systems.

may damage or interrupt the operation of the Website, including those activities that saturate the Website infrastructure.

​The COMPANY reserves the right to take legal action, judicial or otherwise, for all those who do not comply with the rules of use of the Website.

Intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website

The COMPANY owns and/or has the corresponding licenses of use on the rights to use and exploit the intellectual and industrial property of the Website, including all contents (images, videos, illustrations, logos, brands, texts, etc.) included in the same. The COMPANY reserves all intellectual and industrial property rights over the contents of the Website.

In no case can the access and use of the Website be understood as a transmission, license, waiver, transfer (total or partial) of the COMPANY rights to the User and/or third party. The rights of Users and/or third parties are restricted to the use of the content of the Website during their navigation.

Neither Users nor third parties may use the brands, logos, trade names or other distinctive signs found on the Website, except for those with the prior written consent of the owner.

Likewise, the modification, copying, reproduction, public communication, transformation and/or distribution of all or part of the content included on the Website is prohibited, regardless of its purpose.

This prohibition will only be excepted in the event that the prior, express and written authorization of the rights holder is obtained.

In the same way, the COMPANY also prohibits the modification and/or manipulation of any of the Website Content.

The contents of the Website may not be extracted by third parties, either manually or through any other technique.

In the event that Users and/or third parties provide information on the Website, they will be responsible for the information. Otherwise, they will respond to them, keeping COMPANY innocent.

In the event that Users and/or third parties become aware of the existence of any CONTENT that is contrary to the law or supposes an infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, they must immediately notify the COMPANY.

Website links

On the Website, links to different website pages can be displayed through different means (links, banners, buttons, etc.), the COMPANY informs its Users that these are managed by third parties, which escape the control of the COMPANY. Therefore, the COMPANY will not assume any responsibility for issues related to the website pages of the links.

The inclusion of links on the Website does not imply the relationship, collaboration or any kind of link between the COMPANY and the owner/responsible of the website page.

Therefore, in the event that Users become aware that the content and/or activities of these third-party website pages are contrary to the law, public order or morals, they must immediately notify the COMPANY.

Guarantees and Responsibilities on the Website

The COMPANY works so that the contents of the Website are always reliable and truthful, but it cannot guarantee that this is always fulfilled, even when all the necessary measures are being adopted that are within its possibilities to guarantee the correct operation and content of the Website.​

Therefore, the COMPANY is not responsible for:

the continuous availability of the Website, of 100% of its contents, services, etc.

the absence of errors on the Website.

the absence of viruses or other harmful systems.

the vulnerabilities of the Website.

In the event that, as a Website User, you become aware that the content is against current law or service failures, the existence of viruses, you must notify it immediately so that the Company can adopt measures to solve it.

Processing of Personal Data on the Website (Data Protection)

The COMPANY informs that the personal data protection policy is regulated within the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy of this Website and that this forms part of these Terms and Conditions.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Both the use of the Website and the contracts derived from it are governed by Spanish law.

Disputes that arise or are related to the use of the Website or the contracts that arise from it will be submitted to the Barcelona city courts.

Guarantees and responsibilities of the SAC

The COMPANY works to provide a quality service, and provide reliable and truthful answers, but it cannot guarantee that this will always be fulfilled, even if all the necessary measures are being adopted that are within its possibilities to guarantee the correct operation and content of the Service.

In the event that, as a User of the Service, you become aware that the content is against current law and/or lack of service, you must notify it immediately so that the COMPANY can take the appropriate measures to resolve it.

The COMPANY works to provide a quality service, and provide reliable and truthful answers, but it cannot guarantee that this will always be fulfilled, even if all the necessary measures are being adopted that are within its possibilities to guarantee the correct operation and content of the Service.

In the event that, as a User of the Service, you become aware that the content is against current law and/or lack of service, you must notify it immediately so that the COMPANY can take the appropriate measures to resolve it.

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